We are a company who provides Cyber Intelligence Solutions for Law Enforcement and National Security Agencies. Cyber Intelligence is a process of data collection and analyzing in order to understand a threat actor’s motives, targets, and attack behaviors. Our products and services enable organizations to detect threatening abnormalities emerging across the network in real time, including insider threats enabling the security team to disrupt attacks before they can cause any harm. Our solutions enable organizations to make faster, more informed security decisions and change their behavior from reactive to proactive in the fight against breaches.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

  • Open source intelligence is derived from data and information that is available to the general public. It’s not limited to what can be found using Google, although the so-called “surface web” is an important component.
  • As valuable as open source intelligence can be, information overload is a real concern. Most of the tools and techniques used to conduct open source intelligence initiatives are designed to help security professionals (or threat actors) focus their efforts on specific areas of interest.
  • There is a dark side to open source intelligence: anything that can be found by security professionals can also be found (and used) by threat actors.
  • Having a clear strategy and framework in place for open source intelligence gathering is essential — simply looking for anything that could be interesting or useful will inevitably lead to burnout.
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Voice analysis is the study of speech sounds for purposes other than linguistic content, such as in speech recognition.Voice Analysis System (VAS) is a speech intelligence system, that performs comparison of biometric of voices for Speaker and Language recognition purpose.

Voice Analysis System (VAS)
Voice Analysis System (VAS)
Voice Analysis System (VAS)
Voice Analysis System (VAS)

Call monitoring and recording applications used by telecommunication companies generate extremely large amount of call detail records (CDRs) in real-time, and companies constantly need to leverage from this data to boost productivity. The volume of the calls and data captured by the call monitoring applications is so large that it impossible to manually analyze and conclude the behavior of the network.

CDR Analysis System
CDR Analysis System
CDR Analysis System
CDR Analysis System

A voice logger is a device or program used to record audio information from telephones, radios, microphones and other sources for storage on a computer’s hard drive or removable media. There are two basic modes for recording: vox mode, which is voice-activated, and non-vox mode, in which the recording is continuous. Voice loggers are most often used by emergency services, such as the 911 system, and businesses, such as call centers. The recording systems are also used by security organizations and private individuals, although in these cases the legality of the practice may sometimes come into question.

Voice Logger System
Voice Logger System
Voice Logger System
Voice Logger System

A Geographic Analysis System (GAS) is a computer system that analyzes and displays geographically referenced information. It uses data that is attached to a unique location.Geographic Analysis is a data mining methodology that utilizes location attributes to create a geographical representation of data.

Geographic Analysis System
Geographic Analysis System
Geographic Analysis System
Geographic Analysis System

IP Protocol analyzers are powerful programs that work by placing the host system’s network card into promiscuous mode, thereby allowing it to receive all of the data it sees in that particular collision domain. Passive sniffing is performed when a user is on a hub. When using a hub, all traffic is sent to all ports; thus, all a security professional or attacker has to do is start the sniffer and wait for someone on the same collision domain to begin transmitting data. A collision domain is a network segment that is shared but not bridged or switched; packets collide because users are sharing the same bandwidth.

IP Protocol Analyzer
IP Protocol Analyzer
IP Protocol Analyzer
IP Protocol Analyzer

Fax and Modem Demodulator is designed to perform interception of Fax and Modem data message by extraction of binary data exchanged by two modems during communication.

FAX and Modem Demodulator
FAX and Modem Demodulator
FAX and Modem Demodulator
FAX and Modem Demodulator

Visual Link Analysis (VLA) is a high performance advance analytical tool that helps in converting communication records to visual data display multi-level hierarchical relationships.

Visual Link Analysis (VLA)
Visual Link Analysis (VLA)
Visual Link Analysis (VLA)
Visual Link Analysis (VLA)

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+8801931 66 00 10
